Monday, October 12, 2015

Diary Lock Box

My six year old daughter has been begging for a diary. She loves to draw and write and likes the idea that the lock will keep her brothers and sisters out of her "business"  How much business can a six year old have? But when I was chosen to review this Lock Box I was super excited. 

I'ts a hard back book and is so adorable. It's pink with the hearts and peace signs so it's very feminine so I knew she would love it. The lock is a pink heart with and adorably colored flower. It comes with two keys with a small heart shape at the top.

It's a thick diary with plenty of pink pages with standard lines for easy writing.  Both back and front of the pages are lined so you can utilize back and front for writing. 

This is a great gift for any girl from 6 - 16 so they can have their own person place to express their feelings. Dairies can be so therapeutic. It's a constructive way to express feelings and get out emotions. I love that it's locked because I think that would make it easier for a child to express their true feelings and not be ashamed. 
Pick up a Diary Lock box for someone you love: 

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